A K-drama Confronts Baseball’s Glass Ceiling

Minor spoilers ahead for Hot Stove League.

A great day in baseball herstory! Hall of Famer Derek Jeter, now CEO and part-owner of the Miami Marlins, announces (in a socially distanced fashion) the hiring of Kim Ng as general manager. (Miami Marlins photo)

Could Kim Ng’s herstory have been made sooner?

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Your Viewing Guide to the Most Feminist K-Drama Ever

TW: Sexual violence.

I once promised myself that I would NEVER watch another Asian drama, regardless of its country of origin. I’d seen enough when visiting relatives overseas and when flipping through the international channels here in the U.S. They’re all the same, I thought – implausible storylines and absurdly ridiculous plot twists, too much angsty music, too much tearful pining after unrequited love interests, too many of my weeks wasted while waiting for the requiting ones to finally get together, too many too-perfectly cloned male leads, and so on.

Continue reading “Your Viewing Guide to the Most Feminist K-Drama Ever”